Teaching and Protecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Justification by Faith Alone
Bible Plant is a media ministry that proclaims the Gospel, and our mission is to train you to be your own Bible student.
Jesus said to them, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
John 14:6
Ministry Projects
Even if just one person listens, may Christ's name be glorified.
Top Productions
Some of our most-watched videos from the channel.
Our Flagship Bible Study Book
This was our first published work as a ministry in which we seek to redirect all Bible reading and study to the subject Whom it was all written about: Jesus Christ.
Bible Studies
Meditations for solo or group studies and devotionals.
December 24, 2024What wonder the Gospel is to a lost and doomed humanity! The Christmas holiday, in almost every...July 7, 2024'Is Jesus God?' For two millennia humanity has been arguing this very point, and...June 3, 2024It makes sense that as we get closer to Christ's return, how people identify themselves and...March 2, 2024In this Bible study we will be focussing on what the "expressed image" is and what its biblical...March 1, 2024During the last Passover supper with His disciples, Jesus washes the disciple’s feet revealing...March 1, 2024[2Ti 3:16-17 KJV] 16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for...Why Are We Here?
Every member of humanity struggles with core questions of reality that only the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives answers to. What is reality? Who am I? Where am I going? What is my purpose? Do I have meaning? What is my destiny?
The Creator of all things has preserved in the Bible answers to these questions (and more) and therein provides us guidance for us. It is not through a list of to-do's but through a relationship with Himself.
Jesus says that ALL of scripture testifies of Him. HE is the answer that we are all hungering for. All of our sin and shame and lawlessness requires a penalty, a debt, to the perfect and holy God that gives us life - and we are completely unable to pay it back.
Our two biggest needs are a perfect obedience to God's law that we can't fulfill, and on top of that we need rescue from the just punishment that our sin deserves.
In the person of Jesus - both of these needs are met. Upon Him, God's wrath was exhausted and He bore our sin and death to the grave in our place. Because He was the perfect sacrifice, and God incarnate, He resurrected, holding the keys to death and the grave and promises the inheritance of eternal life to all who would look to Him in faith.
Bible Plant exists to exhort, preach, and protect this everlasting Gospel message: that the only way by which man can be saved is though faith alone in Christ alone. All scripture and orientation of reality must center around Him, as He IS the way, the truth and the life. Come study with us, ask questions, and get to know your Savior!
© 2024